About six weeks ago I broke my arm and as well as hurting (quite a bit) there was a period of freaking out and panicking that I might never be able to draw or paint again. There was nothing much that could be done except waiting to see if it healed okay and this waiting involved lots of sitting with the arm in a sling and watching a lot (and I mean A LOT) of television. It's not like I'm averse to being a couch potato -in fact I'm really very good at it. The best thing to come out of this was discovering the HBO series GIRLS created by and starring Lena Dunham. I watched the whole series in a day and a half and as my arm began to feel like it was itching to draw again I found myself doing work inspired by the show (which I was watching over and over) and so it was as I was drawing Hannah Horvath that I realised "maybe this is going to be okay". I've done four so far but think I'll need to some more involving more of the characters and quotes that I've quickly grown to love until the itch is properly scratched.

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